W-9 Form—Fill Out the IRS W-9 Form Online for 2023 | Smallpdf (2024)

Breaking Down the W-9 Form

Unlike many other tax forms, the W-9 is relatively easy to fill out. As an independent contractor, you may not be used to the process or the lingo, though. We’ll go into each section of the IRS form in further detail below to help you get this paperwork out of the way as fast and easily as possible.

1: Name

If your business is a sole proprietorship or a single-member LLC, and is taxed as a sole proprietor or single-member LLC, your full legal name will go on this line. This name should match the one that appears on your tax return. On the other hand, if the LLC is a partnership, an S corporation, or another type of LLC, then insert your business’s name on this line.

2: Business Name/Disregarded Entity Name

You only need to fill out this section if you’re filling out the W-9 as a single-member limited liability company or a sole proprietor. So, if in line 1 you entered your legal name, the name of your business will go on this second section. If there is a DBA (Doing Business As), you can also put it here. Conversely, if the first section contains your business’s name or you work under your name, then you should leave this section blank.

3: Federal Tax Classification

This section of the W-9 refers to your tax status. Again, tick “Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC” if your business is a sole proprietorship of your company. The same goes for if your LLC is a C Corporation or an S Corporation. On the other hand, if another LLC owns the LLC, tick the “Limited Liability Company” box, and designate whether the parent company is a C corporation, an S corporation, or a Partnership by putting in C, S, or P, respectively.

4: Exemptions

This segment is for small businesses that are exempt from backup withholding or FATCA reporting. Write down the exempt payee code or exemption from FATCA reporting code here. Most will leave this section blank. However, if you are unsure, please check with a certified public accountant (CPA) or an advisor from a financial institution if you need assistance on this topic.

5 + 6: Address, City, State, ZIP Code

These two sections simply contain your address. If your home address is different from your business address, use the address that would be in your tax return.

Part I: Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

Here, put your Employer Identification Number (EIN), if you have it. In case you are the sole proprietor of your business, you would put your Social Security Number instead. Remember that you only need one of the two.

Part II: Certification

In Part II, you’ll find some information stating that by signing the W-9, you certify that the tax identification number provided is accurate, you are not subjected to backup withholding, you are a US citizen or other US person, and that the FATCA code, if any, is correct.

Once you’ve completed filling out the W-9 form, you just need to sign the document and insert the date where it is needed.

Filling Out the W-9 Form with Smallpdf

With our online PDF Editor, we have made sure you’ll find the latest version of the W-9 form from the IRS website (for the 2023 tax year) for you to work on. Right after accessing the web tool, you can start to fill out the blank W-9 by clicking on each box and entering your personal information. For the signature section, click “eSign” in the Mark up section to create and insert an electronic signature. Additionally, you add a textbox to enter additional data onto the document. Of course, the document you create by entering your data is only accessible by you. We only offer the template you work from—no personal data you enter will be visible to anyone else accessing the W-9 form on our site.

If you’d like to print the form out to fill it out with pen and paper instead—click the file menu located on the right-hand side of the Smallpdf logo at the top left corner. From there, you’ll be able to print the blank and fillable W-9 form to complete manually. You may also download the blank template to save on your computer and fill out later.

W-9 Form—Fill Out the IRS W-9 Form Online for 2023 | Smallpdf (2024)


How can I fill out a W9 online? ›

H‍ow to fill out a W-9 Form
  1. Download a copy of a blank W-9 form‍ ...
  2. Upload the document to Dropbox Sign. ...
  3. Format the W-9 form and fill in your information. ...
  4. Sign the W-9 form with a legally binding eSignature‍ ...
  5. Submit the completed W-9 form.
Mar 24, 2023

What is the question 3 on the W9 form? ›

Step 3: W-9, Line 3

Select which type of business entity you are for federal tax classification: sole proprietorship, partnership, C corporation, S corporation, trust/estate, limited liability company, or "other." Check the appropriate box, and only one classification should be selected.

Can you print a W9 form online? ›

The IRS website (irs.gov) has a downloadable, fillable, and printable blank W-9 form PDF you can use for free to submit your W9 to a requester.

How do I fill out a w9 for dummies? ›

W-9 Form Instructions
  1. Line 1 – Name. This should be your full name. ...
  2. Line 2 – Business name. ...
  3. Line 3 – Federal tax classification. ...
  4. Line 4 – Exemptions. ...
  5. Lines 5 & 6 – Address, city, state, and ZIP code. ...
  6. Line 7 – Account number(s) ...
  7. Part I – Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) ...
  8. Part II – Certification.
Dec 14, 2023

Did the w9 form change for 2023? ›

The notable change in the October 2023 revision of Form W-9 is the addition of a new line 3b.

Is there a fillable W9 form? ›

Connect this fillable W-9 form template to your favorite tools to fill it with contractor data. The best part? No manual data entry is required! Easily get contractors set up with the right W-9 form so you can collect important tax information and meet all requirements.

Do I legally have to fill out a W9? ›

You will need to fill out a W-9 form if you: Classify yourself as an independent contractor or “freelancer.” Are not a full-time employee of the business. Will be paid more than $600 for work provided to the business.

What is the latest version of W9? ›

In March 2024, the IRS issued a final revised edition of Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. The 2024 version replaces the version that was previously published by the IRS in 2018.

How will a W9 affect my taxes? ›

Payments earned by a contractor who completes a W-9 form aren't subject to IRS withholding, meaning it's the payee's responsibility to report the income and pay the self-employment taxes, which is calculated at a rate of 15.3 percent as of 2022.

What information goes on a W9? ›

The required document is the IRS W-9 form. The W-9 captures all the required tax information for tax reporting. This includes (1) name, (2) business name, (3) type of entity, (3) exempt status, (4) address, (5) taxpayer identification number, and (6) signature.

Why am I being asked to fill out a W9? ›

The purpose of a W-9 form is to create an official record of a business relationship between a company and an individual who is not a regular employee. It is a record of the vendor that has their taxpayer identification information, making it easier to create a 1099-MISC and file taxes during tax time.

Can I fill out a W9 electronically? ›

As of April 1998's IRS Announcement 98-27, those who need to can fill out, sign, and submit W-9 forms electronically. The IRS allows payers to send W-9 and W-9S forms electronically as long as: The electronic system ensures that the information received by the payer is the same information input by the form filler.

How do I get my W9 form online for free? ›

You may be sent a W-9 by your employer, otherwise, you can easily access an up to date copy via the IRS website (irs.gov). IRS form W-9 is a four-page document, but all fillable fields are on the first page.

Does the IRS have fillable PDF forms? ›

IRS fill-in PDF forms use some of the features provided with Adobe Acrobat software, such as the ability to save the data you input (document rights). Currently, there is no computation, validation or verification of the information you enter and you are still responsible for entering all required information.

What is the purpose of a W9 form? ›

Form W-9 provides personal identifiable information to a person or business used for reporting income paid to individuals such as self-employed people like independent contractors, freelancers, vendors or other customers.

Do I have to pay taxes if I fill out a W9? ›

Payments earned by a contractor who completes a W-9 form aren't subject to IRS withholding, meaning it's the payee's responsibility to report the income and pay the self-employment taxes, which is calculated at a rate of 15.3 percent as of 2022.

What are the rules for W9? ›

The required document is the IRS W-9 form. The W-9 captures all the required tax information for tax reporting. This includes (1) name, (2) business name, (3) type of entity, (3) exempt status, (4) address, (5) taxpayer identification number, and (6) signature.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.