University of Oregon Grading System (2025)


  • Grade Chart
  • Variable Credits
  • Grading Options
  • Schedule
  • Pass/No Pass
  • First-term Grade Forgiveness
  • Calculating a Grade Point Average

GPA Calculator

Grades are updated once per day and posted on DuckWeb beginning the Monday of Finals Week each term. Select Student Menu > Grades and Transcripts to view them.

Grade Chart

The University grading system includes the following grades and quality points (used in computing grade point averages). Marks of P, N, I, AU, and Y do not count in the GPA computation.

GradeQuality PointsNotations
F0Unsatisfactory performance, no credit awarded
++0.3With A, B, C, D
--0.3With A, B, C, D (D- not awarded to graduate-level law courses)
PSatisfactory: undergraduate work, C- or above;graduate work, B- or above; law work, D- or above)
NLess than satisfactory(undergraduate work, D+ or lower;graduate work, C+ or lower; law work calculated as F [0 points] in the GPA)
IIncomplete (lacking minor but essential requirement) (See Incomplete Policy.)
AUAudit, no credit awarded
WMark used when student has officially withdrawn
YNo basis for grade
Discontinued as of Fall 2017*
XMark used when instructor did not report grade

* The Y grade is discontinued as of Fall 2017. For registered students who did not attend or participate, an F or N grade should be recorded in Duckweb, and a new "non-attendance" box should be checked. Do not check the box if the student attended or participated in any portion of the course. Enter a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) instead.

Video Tutorial

Variable Credits

Some courses have variable credits, and some let you choose between a letter grade or pass/no pass.If your course has these options, a drop-down box will appear next to that course and you can make your selections there. The opportunity to make these changes ends the seventh week of the term for most courses. Grade Options and Variable Credits can be changed in DuckWeb during fall, winter, and spring terms but require instructor and/or departmental approval during the summer term.

To change the number of credits for a course, click on Student Menu > Registration Menu > Change Variable Credit/Grading Option. To change the credit in a lecture class that has a noncredit laboratory, discussion, or activity section associated with it, make the credit change using the lecture CRN only. When you locate the course you want to change, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the option box, and select the number of credits desired. Click "Submit Changes".

Note that when variable credits are reduced, tuition refunds meet the same criteria as dropped courses. Students may owe partial tuition if credits are reduced after the 100% tuition refund period ends. (Consult to find out when the tuition refund period ends.)

It is the student's responsibility to obtain instructor and/or departmental approval before she or he may change variable credits. DuckWeb automatically selects the lowest credit if a class is offered for variable credit. If you wish to change the credits of your class, click "Change Variable Credit/Grading Option" at the bottom of the page. You may change variable credit only in credit-bearing classes. If a variable credit lecture class has a noncredit laboratory, discussion, or activity section associated with it, use the lecture CRN to make credit changes.

Note: When variable credits are reduced, tuition refunds meet the same criteria as dropped courses. You may owe partial tuition if you do not reduce credits before the 100% tuition refund period ends.

Grading Options

Courses may be taught graded only, pass-no pass only, or optional grading. Details are published in the Class Schedule for each course. When a choice is available, students may elect to be evaluated on either a graded (A, B, C, D, F) or a "Pass/No Pass" (P/N) basis. Grade Option and Variable Credits can be changed in DuckWeb during fall, winter, and spring terms but require instructor and/or departmental approval during the summer term.


Fall/Winter/SpringStudents can change Grade Option and Variable Credits directly via DuckWeb, up to 7 weeks into the term.
SummerSubmit a petition after the deadline and obtain instructor or departmental approval for the change. Final approval is determined by the Academic Requirements Committee.

Pass/No Pass

A course that has an alternative grading option will default to "graded" when you register, but also allow you to change to a "Pass/No Pass" (P/NP) grading. Classes offered Pass/No Pass only are noted on the final grade report as P*.

Before exercising the Pass/No Pass option, you should talk with an advisor. Each department, school, or special program has its own regulations on Pass/No Pass classes for majors.

After you have registered for a course, your "Add Classes Worksheet" will show that a course has the option to change to P/NP with a hyperlink on the course's Grade Mode. Note: Grading options do not show in the Schedule view.

To change to a Pass/No Pass option on a course:

  • Click on the hyperlinked word "Graded", or click on "Change Variable Credit/Grading Option" from the Add Worksheet, or from the Registration Menu Locate the course with the Grade Mode option
  • Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the option box to select the grade option you want
  • Click "Submit Changes"

When registering for a course with optional grading, DuckWeb automatically defaults to the graded option. To change the grading option, select Student Menu > Registration Menu > Change Variable Credit/Grading Option. For classes with lectures and discussions or labs, make the change to the lecture only.

The deadline to change grading options for the regular term is the end of the seventh week of the term. See the for specific deadlines or check the deadlines for a particular CRN in the Class Schedule.

To make a grading option change for a course with an associated noncredit section, change only the CRN of the lecture. DuckWeb automatically selects the graded option for classes where variable grading is available.

First-term Grade Forgiveness

Advisors will email eligible students a link to a form to change grade options for eligible courses per the first-term grade forgiveness policy.

Calculating the UO Grade Point Average

GPA Calculator

Grade point totals are computed by assigning four points for each credit of A, three for B, two for C, one for D, and zero points for each F. Adding a ‘+’ increases the point value by .30; a ‘-’ decreases the value by the same amount. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total grade points by the total number of credits of A, B, C, D, and F grades. Marks of P, P*, N, W, I, X, Y, and grades earned in remedial courses numbered below 100, are disregarded in the computation of the UO GPA.

Non-repeatable Courses

All courses not designated as repeatable for credit are considered non-repeatable. Credit for non-repeatable courses is given only once.

For courses completed at the University of Oregon (UO) in all terms prior to Fall 2016 and after Summer 2019, all grades for all courses taken at UO appear on both the official and unofficial transcript and are included in the Term and Cumulative GPA calculation.

For courses completed at UO from Fall 2016 through Summer 2019, grades for undergraduate courses taken at UO are included in the Term GPA calculation. However, only the second attempt of the repeated course is calculated into the Cumulative GPA.

Repeatable Courses

Some UO courses are repeatable for credit (for example, when the content of the course differs from previous offerings of the course). If a course has been approved by the Committee on Courses as repeatable for credit, any restrictions for the course are listed in the course catalog, including limits to credits and number of times the course may be repeated.

Credits for repeatable courses are awarded each time the course is completed, up to the established limits.

All graded attempts of repeatable courses taken at the UO are calculated into the term and cumulative GPAs.

Video Tutorial: How to Change Grading Option or Variable Credit in a Course on DuckWeb

University of Oregon Grading System (2025)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.